East Brunswick Township Alerts

EB-OEM Alert - Parking on Snow Covered Streets

With today's snow event, we want to remind our residents not to park on snow covered streets.

As per Ordinance § 209-31, whenever snow has fallen, and the accumulation is such that it covers the roadway, no vehicle shall be parked on any street, avenue, highway, or portion thereof in the Township of East Brunswick. This prohibition remains in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.

Please ensure your vehicles are removed from the street so Public Works personnel can properly clear the roadways. During storms, priority is given to main roads to provide safe access for emergency vehicles and maintain safe travel for motorists. Please do not place snow/ice onto roadways, as this creates hazardous road conditions!

Residents and business owners should be aware that all snow and ice must be removed from sidewalks.

Also remember to remove all ice and snow from your vehicle before driving, especially from the hood, windows and roof. Motorists who fail to do so face fines of $25 to $75 for each offense, regardless of whether the ice and snow is dislodged from the vehicle. If flying ice or snow causes property damage or injury to others, motorists face fines of $200 to $1,000 for each offense. There are approximately 500 fatalities in the United States per year due to icy road conditions.

We also ask that you help our volunteer Fire Companies by clearing the snow around firehydrants.

We greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation!